I am sorry that this message is being sent out so late, but it has been a very busy and challenging year for me so far. In any case, I am asking for your help once again in providing the opportunity for our youngest Federationists, and their families to benefit from your knowledge, skills, and positive philosophy regarding blindness. Please be sure to include this year's Cane walk among your plans for our 2022 Convention. We will again be planning for two sessions, and the Parents' Division will again be sponsoring this event, and inviting families to participate. It has been, what seems like a very long time since we all could be together, and in spite of how hard as we have all worked to bring this sort of experience to others, there is simply nothing like being together with our students. I hope all of you will be able to join with me this year in working with this deserving young people and their families. I also look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, as we all come together for the first time in two years. Details regarding the date, time, and place for the 2022 Cane will be coming soon, and please let me know as soon as possible if you will be able to participate. Also, remember, this time will be counted toward your next NOMC recertification, so it is both a great opportunity to share your professional skills and knowledge, and to help you maintain your certification. Thank you, Jeff Altman MA NOMCT CVRC
participants (1)