FW: BlindSquare O&M Intersection Analysis Project Announcement
*** From: Andrea Bodnari [mailto:yourtsvi at gmail.com] ***
Thank You Again for supporting the BlindSquare O&M Intersection Analysis Project. I just wanted to share some Project Highlights and hope your Organization will share this information on your web pages, forums, and/or mail listings to encourage future participants. Everyone is Welcome to Learn More and Join the BlindSquare Classroom http://www.yourtsvi.wikispaces.com/ at www.yourtsvi.wikispaces.com http://www.yourtsvi.wikispaces.com/
Below I have Attached a Project Announcement Page in .PDF, .DOCX file formats.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kIcgCVAxDY6jfcv6P_Ri9ezkBhHeWDSaPUMHW3cB... AnnouncementBSqOMACVREPNOMCCreditHours (2)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwW4WUjs9PaDOTBXSDlNYlFDbzg/view?usp=drive_... AnnouncementBSqOMACVREPNOMCCreditHours.pdf
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UlfPmUQaCxpKk47Z7X1zFHDH7I2QfvwomZbMyEP2... Announcement BSq O&M ACVREP & NOMC Credit Hours
:?The BlindSquare O&M Intersection Analysis Project?
* BlindSquare has Approved over 380 Certified ACVREP & NOMC Orientation & Mobility Specialists. Participants have been given a Free Copy of the BlindSquare App to utilize with their students and clients.
* BlindSquare is still extending a Free copy of the BlindSquare App to Certified O&M Instructors who would like to Participate in ?Intersection Analysis Project.?
* Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists and Graduate Students (Currently Enrolled in an O&M Certificate or Master?s Program), who would like to Participate in the Project, Contribute Intersection Analysis Data, and/or received ACVREP or NOMC credit hours toward recertification are welcome. * Note Graduate Student Submission Must be Verified by their Advisor or Cooperating Teacher!
* Sign up to Participate by completeing the ?BlindSquare O&M Intersection Analysis Project Registration Form? http://bit.ly/1OmB6p4 http://bit.ly/1OmB6p4
* Now that Everyone has had the Opportunity to utilize the BlindSquare App, we are ready to start collecting Data Pertaining to Intersections Analyzed by our Participating Orientation and Mobility Specialists.
* To share information about an intersection your have analized please utilize the: ?TSVI - BlindSquare Intersection Data Collection Form? http://bit.ly/1KnRn9n http://bit.ly/1KnRn9n
Thank You For Your Willingness to Share this Information with Others.
Andrea Bodnari
Certified BlindSquare BPS Installation Specialist
Assistive Technology Specialist, OM, TVI, & LVR
participants (1)