FW: VDBVI Career Opportunities - 3/27/17

*** Contact Melody Rone for more details *** The Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired has an opening for an O and M specialist. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. For further information, interested individuals can call me at 804-371-3323. There is also an O and M position in the Fairfax Regional Office. Thanks. Have a great day! Melody Roane, director Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired Listed below are the VDBVI career opportunities currently posted. Each position may be accessed directly in the state Recruitment Management System (RMS) by clicking on the applicable Quicklink. Here are some helpful tips to remember when applying: * Review the position's EWP. * Fully complete your RMS application to accurately reflect your current job duties and past experiences. Only fully completed applications are accepted. * Contact HR, prior to the position closing, if you have any issues accessing RMS or submitting an application. * RMS closes all positions at 11:59 pm on the Closing Date. * Screening is based solely on your RMS application. HR determines interview candidates by comparing the information disclosed and detailed on applications to the screening criteria for the particular position. Be sure to like DARS on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/VDBVI https://www.facebook.com/VDBVI and visit us on the web at https://www.vdbvi.org https://www.vdbvi.org Job Title: Orientation and Mobility Specialist Location: Fairfax County - 059 Position #: 00120 Closing Date: Open Until Filled Quicklink: https://virginiajobs.peopleadmin.com/postings/64080 https://virginiajobs.peopleadmin.com/postings/64080 Job Title: Orientation and Mobility Specialist Location: Henrico - 087 Position #: 00021 Closing Date: Open Until Filled Quicklink: https://virginiajobs.peopleadmin.com/postings/71255 https://virginiajobs.peopleadmin.com/postings/71255
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