FW: please put this on the list serves, thanksFW: Connecticut - Agency for the Blind Hiring a "TVI" and a Certified O&M Instructor - FW: Education Consultant Opportunities with ADS Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind
We have been asked to post the following job opportunity. +++++ our agency for the blind, notably the portion that serves blind children, is hiring both: --a "TVI" in the southeast part of our state (which includes the area around the U.S. Naval and Coast Guard facilities in New London) --a certified O&M instructor based from the headquarters just outside of Hartford. The NOMC does meet the certification requirements, a battle that NFB won here (but now we need the applicants!) The deadline is January 2, so with the holidays time is critical. The job announcements can be found in the forwarded. Would you please pass these around far and wide? It would be great to have the best in our growing NFB network taking on these positions. If anyone has any questions about Connecticut, she or he is most welcome to reach out to me. Our state has tremendous diversity and cultural opportunities and natural beauty, and our NFB affiliate is growing and proudly authentically diverse. Thank you as always for your assistance! Nathanael Wales From: Fried, Joseph [mailto:Joseph.Fried@ct.gov] Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 9:11 AM Cc: Hovanec, Alyssa Subject: Education Consultant Opportunities with ADS Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind Greetings, I am reaching out to share a job postings for the State of Connecticut. We are looking to hire an Education Consultant 1 (B.E.S.B.) (10 Months) and an Education Consultant For The Blind (Mobility Instruction), with the Department of Aging and Disability (ADS), Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB). These roles will positively impact the education of children who are blind, visually impaired, or have multiple impairments. I am hoping you can share these opportunities with your organization. You can find more information in the job postings below. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. * Education Consultant 1 (B.E.S.B.) (10 Months) in New London and Tolland: https://www.jobapscloud.com/CT/sup/bulpreview.asp?b= <https://www.jobapscloud.com/CT/sup/bulpreview.asp?b=&R1=241209&R2=3185EA&R3 =001> &R1=241209&R2=3185EA&R3=001 * Education Consultant For The Blind (Mobility Instruction) in Windsor: https://www.jobapscloud.com/CT/sup/bulpreview.asp?b= <https://www.jobapscloud.com/CT/sup/bulpreview.asp?b=&R1=241204&R2=3187T4&R3 =001> &R1=241204&R2=3187T4&R3=001 Thank you for your time and have a great day, Joseph Joseph K. Fried Human Resources Specialist https://portal.ct.gov/das Administrative Services Phone: 860-924-7053 mailto:joseph.fried@ct.gov joseph.fried@ct.gov https://www.linkedin.com/company/stateofconnecticut https://www.instagram.com/ctstatejobs/ https://www.facebook.com/stateofctjobs/ https://twitter.com/ctstatejobs https://www.youtube.com/@ctdas7075 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic message may contain information that is confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of the message, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. Do not deliver, distribute, or copy this message, and do not disclose its contents or take action in reliance on the information it contains.
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