Next O&M Conference Call, September 22, 2020
CHello Everyone, Please plan to attend our next O&M Conference call, which will be at 7:00 pm Central Time, on September 22nd. Please submit subjects you'd like to discuss, so we don't miss anything during our meeting. Dr. Bell, please arrange for a Zoom call at this time and date. Thank you, Jeff Altman MA NOMCT CVRCB
When: September 22
Time: 7:00 p.m. CDT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 8629 7998
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Meeting ID: 851 8629 7998
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Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC, Director,
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness
Louisiana Tech University
600 Mayfield Ave / 210 Woodard Hall
PO Box 3158
Ruston LA 71272
Office: 318.257.4554 Fax: 318.257.2259
ebell at
participants (2)