I killed a ceramic cane tip

Well, if it was going to happen, I guess it would happen to me. Some of you who were at the dare to be remarkable conference will remember that I was demonstrating a ceramic cane tip jury rigged on to one of our canes. I?ve been telling my students about it because it provides similar tactile and echo feedback to our metal tips with a longer life. It?s true that I got 4 months out of it but I was expecting a little bit longer. I was hoping for years. Monday afternoon, while I was working on street crossings with a client here in Tulsa, I suddenly began to feel as though my cane tip was squishy. I reached down, expecting to find gum or mud stuck to the bottom of my cane tip only to come away with just the rubber ring that went around my ceramic tip. Evidently the tip is manufactured in two parts and the bottom part just came unstuck. The gorilla glue collar which I had jury rigged onto my fiberglass Cane was perfectly fine. It was just the bottom half of the ceramic tip which had disappeared. Does anybody have experience with this? Has anybody else ever made a ceramic tip last longer than four months? Given that it cost $14, I was really hoping that it would last at least a year since I can make six metal tips last for a year. I might try the experiment again but if anybody else has tried it, let me know what you thought or if you ever destroyed one. Thanks, Jane Lansaw NOMC from the world's smallest keyboard.
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