Hello Everyone This is to update all of you regarding this year's Cane Walk. Currently the NOPBC is registering families for the Cane Walk, and as I receive this information, I will be working on matching you with the families that each of you will be working with. I do not know at this point how many will be participating, and therefore I also do not know if I may have to ask some of you to work with more than one family. Whether you are able to provide more than one lesson to a family is something you are welcome to arrange with the family you are working with. The introduction will be held the evening of July 6th, at 7:00 pm Central Time. This will be a Zoom event, and the link will be provided to all of you as soon as it is available. This will be an opportunity to explain to the families the purpose of the Cane Walk, to introduce the instructors, and how the lessons will be handled. Each of you will be provided with the contact information for the families so that you can schedule lessons and determine the remote method used to provide these lessons. There will also be a follow-up Zoom meeting either on the 13th or the 15th so that families can ask questions and provide feedback. The date of the follow-up Zoom meeting will be determined by the NOPBC leadership as they put the finishing touches on their agenda. As more information becomes available, I will update you. I truly appreciate eadch of you that are participating in this event, for joining with the NOPBC in this remarkable effort. I do not believe anyone has ever attempted anything like this before, so together we are making history. Thank you, Jeff Altman MA NOMCT CVRCB
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