See below and attached. Please help us get the word out about our
National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB)
23rd Annual National Rehabilitation and Orientation and Mobility Conference
Contemporary Issues in Rehabilitation and Education for the Blind
July 3, 2024
8:30 AM-7:30 PM EDT
Rosen Centre
9840 International Dr., Orlando, Florida, 32819
We would like to express our appreciation to the National Federation of the
Blind (NFB). The NFB has not only hosted these rehabilitation events for
more than 20 years, but more importantly, it has provided the philosophy,
leadership, and guidance upon which the most effective rehabilitation
practices have been established.
We would also like to give a special thanks to the many individuals who
contributed their time, energy, and expertise to making this rehabilitation
and orientation and mobility conference a success. It is through the
dedication, determination, and fortitude of these leaders in the organized
blind movement that we have collectively shifted the focus of rehabilitation
in this country. Together, we are truly helping people to live the lives
they want!
General Session
Room: TBA
7:30 AM ? Registration Opens
8:30 AM ? Opening Remarks
* Joni Martinez, NOMC, Conference Co-chair, Board Member, National
Blindness Professional Certification Board; Admissions Coordinator, Criss
Cole Rehabilitation Center, Austin, TX
* Colin Wong, MA, NOMC, Conference Co-Chair, Board member, National
Blindness Professional Certification Board, Seattle, WA
8:35 AM ? Expanding the Influence of Structured Discovery with the authentic
Consumer Movement
* Mark A. Riccobono, President, National Federation of the Blind;
Baltimore, MD
8:55 AM ? Keynote: Sensing Attitudes?Key to a successful rehabilitation for
the Blind.
* Carlos R. Serv?n, MPA-JD, Executive Director, Nebraska Commission
for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Immediate past President of the
National Council of State Agencies for the Blind (NCSAB); Lincoln, NE Author
of the book, ?Running Dreams?An Immigrant?s Hurdles and Triumphs, After
Blindness and Amputation?
9:25 AM ? Fundamental?s of Technology and it?s Role in Structured Discovery
* Curtis Chong, Board Member, National Blindness Professional
Certification Board, Non-visual access technology consultant; Aurora, CO
9:40 AM ? Certifications Through the NBPCB
Presentation by the NBPCB
9:55 AM ? The Slippery Slope of Custodialism
* Julie Deden, Executive Director, Colorado Center for the Blind;
Littleton, CO
* Joanne Wilson, Board Member, National Blindness Professional
Certification Board, Founder, Louisiana Center for the Blind; Alexandria, VA
10:20 AM ? Teaching Beyond the Training Center
* Kristen J. Sims, M. ED., NOMC, NCUEB, Instructor, Orientation and
Mobility, Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness,
Louisiana Tech University; Ruston, LA
* Second speaker TBA
10:45 AM ? Orientation & Mobility Specialists Association Updates and How to
Get Involved
* Jimmy Morris, MA, NOMCT Committee Chair, O&M Instructor, Virginia
Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired, Vice President,
Orientation and Mobility Specialist?s Association; Richmond, VA
* Dezman Jackson, M.A, NOMC, Digital Accessibility Analyst, Cambium
Learning Group, Independent O&M Contractor, Maryland Division of
Rehabilitation Services; Baltimore, MD
10:55 AM ? Dare to Be Remarkable 2024
* Anil Lewis, M.PA, Executive Director, National Federation of the
Blind Jernigan Institute; Baltimore, MA
11:10 AM ? Panel: Building the Culture Within A Training Center
* Pamela Allen, Executive Director, Louisiana Center for the Blind,
Ruston, LA
* Jamie Sibson, MRC, Director, New Mexico Orientation Center for the
Blind, Alamogordo, NM
* Stephanie Goudinoff, NCRTB, Tucson Center Director, Saavi Services
for the Blind; Tucson, AZ
* Moderator: Joni Martinez, NOMC, Conference Co-Chair, Board member,
National Blindness Professional Certification Board, Admissions Coordinator,
Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center, Austin, TX
11:50 AM ? Closing Remarks and Announcements
* Joni Martinez, NOMC, Conference Co-chair, Board Member, National
Blindness Professional Certification Board; Admissions Coordinator, Criss
Cole Rehabilitation Center, Austin, TX
* Colin Wong, MA, NOMC, Conference Co-Chair, Board member, National
Blindness Professional Certification Board, Seattle, WA
12:00 PM-2:00 PM ? Lunch Break
All rooms TBA
2:00 PM-2:50 PM ? Breakout Group 1
Session A: Facilitating Effective Internships
* Roland Allen, NOMC, Cane Travel Instructor, Louisiana Center for the
Blind; Ruston, LA
Session B: Assistive Technology Topical Discussion
* Curtis Chong, Board Member, National Blindness Professional
Certification Board, Non-visual access technology consultant; Aurora, CO
3:00 PM- 3:50 PM ? Breakout Group 2
Session A: Implementing the Structured Discovery Methodology in a
Non-Structured Discovery Training Center
* Melody Roane, Director, Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind
and Vision Impaired; Richmond, VA
Session B: Structured Discovery Instruction for Seniors
* Scott Tokunaga
Session C: NOMCT Committee Meeting *Closed invite only*
* Jimmy Morris, MA, NOMCT Committee Chair, O&M Instructor, Virginia
Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired, Richmond, VA
4:00 PM-4:50 PM ? Breakout Group 3
Session A: Cane Travel Topical Discussion
* Jeff Altman, NOMC, Board Member, National Blindness Professional
Certification Board, Cane Travel Instructor, Nebraska Center for the Blind,
Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired; Lincoln, NE
* Jimmy Morris, MA, NOMCT Committee Chair, O&M Instructor, Virginia
Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired, Richmond, VA
Session B: Home Management/Independent Living Skills Topical discussion
* Speaker Delfina Rodriguez, Home Management Instructor, Colorado
Center for the Blind, Littleton, CO
Session C: Recruitment Strategies for Structured Discovery Professionals
* Kristen J. Sims, M. ED., NOMC, NCUEB, Instructor, Orientation and
Mobility, Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness,
Louisiana Tech University; Ruston, LA
* Carley Mullin, NOMCT, NCRTB, Cane Travel Instructor, Blind
Industries & Services of Maryland (BISM); Baltimore, MD
NBPCB Reception/Mix and Mingle
Time: 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm
Facilitated by the National Blindness Professional Certification Board
* Speak with the day?s presenters in a less formal setting.
* Network opportunity for job seekers and employers.
* Meet our newest NOMC certificants.
* Meet our newest NCRTB certificants.
* Meet our newest NCUEB certificants.
* Awards and recognition
* Announcements from centers across the nation
* Cash bar and light snacks will be available.
National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB)
Adelmo Vigil, President
admin at
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness (PDRIB),
Louisiana Tech University
Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC, Director