Hello Everyone, I would like to start a disscussion here, well, more of a brain storming session. From my contacts on Facebook, it has become clear to me that many blind people outside of the United states simply do not have the sort of opportunities that would allow them to become successful. The first issue is access to just the basics, starting with the long white cane. Now, there have long been programs to try to send canes to these places, and to some degree they are successful, but still the need isn't being met. So, here is what I want to ask all of you: Imagine you need to make a cane for yourself, but the stuff you normally would use, fiberglass, aluminum , and the like simply isn't available. What would you use, and how would you use it to make the cane you needed? My thought is that perhaps we could find some solutions that would allow folks in these situations to be able to either make their own canes, or to find someone that has the skills and access to the materials to do it within their own communities. Jeff Altman