National Federation of the Blind
19th Annual Rehabilitation
Orientation and Mobility Conference
Contemporary Issues
In Rehabilitation and Education for the Blind
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Zoom link will be emailed out to registered participants.
Registration link:
Continuing Education Credits (CEC) are available for conference registrants.
Morning Session
Location: Zoom
9:00am - Welcome and Opening Remarks
* Edward Bell, Ph.D., Director, Professional Development and Research
Institute on Blindness, Louisiana Tech University; Ruston, LA
* Colin Wong MA, NOMC, Conference Chair, Cane Travel Instructor, SAAVI
Services for the Blind; Phoenix, AZ
9:10am - Why A Network is Critical in Times of Uncertainty: Leveraging
Participation in the Organized Blind Movement
* Mark A. Riccobono, President, National Federation of the Blind;
Baltimore, MD
9:30am - Keynote: The Evolution of Professional Credentials and
* Adelmo Vigil, President, National Blindness Professional
Certification Board, National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico;
Alamogordo, NM
10:00am - Integrating Technology in Other Disciplines
* Joni Martinez, NOMC, Vocational Rehabilitation Teacher, Criss Cole
Rehabilitation Center; Austin, TX
10:20am - Educating with Direction: The Importance of Philosophy
* Fredric K. Schroeder, PH.D., President, World Blind Union; Vienna,
10:40am - Orientation and Mobility for Consumers with Multiple Disabilities
* Denise Mackenstadt, NOMC, Retired; Sequim, WA
11:00am - Structured Discovery Outside of Structured Discovery Training
Centers: Expanding its Influence in Other Teaching Settings, (Panel)
* Moderator: Mike Harvey, NOMC, Cane Travel Instructor; Des Moines, IA
* Itinerate: Ron Brown, MA, NOMC, Owner/Manager, Cane & Able;
Indianapolis, IN
* Conventional Training Center: Becky Keller, MA, NOMC, COMS, Lead
Orientation and Mobility Instructor, Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the
Blind and Vision Impaired; Richmond, VA
* Public Education: Kristen J. Sims, MEd, NOMC, NCUEB, Instructor of
Orientation and Mobility, Professional Development and Research Institute on
Blindness, Louisiana Tech University; Ruston, LA
* Senior Specialist: Jimmy Morris, NOMC, Orientation and Mobility
Specialist, Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired; Richmond, VA
11:55am - Announcements, Questions and Ending Remarks
12:00pm - Adjourn
12:00pm-1:15pm - Lunch
Zoom will remain open to mix and mingle.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Location: Zoom
1:15pm-2:20pm Session I
A. Applying Structured Discovery in Home Management
* Delfina Rodriguez, Home Management Instructor, Colorado Center for
the Blind; Littleton, CO
* Stefanie Parris, Home Management Instructor, Colorado Center for the
Blind; Littleton, CO
B. Applying Structured Discovery in Assistive Technology
* Jack Mendez, Director of Technology, Louisiana Center for the Blind;
Ruston, LA
C. Applying Structured Discovery in Cane Travel
* Jeff Altman, Cane Travel Instructor, Nebraska Center for the Blind,
Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired; Lincoln, NE
2:30pm-3:35pm - Session II
A. NOMCT Meeting *Invitation only*
* Jeff Altman, Cane Travel Instructor, Nebraska Center for the Blind,
Nebraska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired; Lincoln, NE
B. Synergy Across the Center: Collaboration Between Classes and Working as
a Unit
* Pamela Allen, Executive Director, Louisiana Center for the Blind;
Ruston, LA
C. Applying Structured Discovery in Braille: Learning in New Dimensions
* Chelsey Duranleau, Communications Instructor, Blind Inc.;
Minneapolis, MN
3:45pm-5:00pm - Session III
A. When Blindness is Secondary: Working with Multiple Disabilities
* Denise Mackenstadt, NOMC, Retired; Sequim, WA
B. Breaking Down Philosophy and the Debriefing Process
* Shellford Cantan Jr., NOMC, Travel Instructor, Ho'opono Services for
the Blind; Honolulu, HI
C. Teaching Travel with Technology and Proper Implementation
* Joanne Gabias, MA, NOMC, Statewide Operations Manager, SAAVI
Services for the Blind; Tucson, AZ
5:00pm-7:00pm - NBPCB Mix and Mingle
Location: Zoom
* Speak with the day's presenters in a less formal setting
* Network opportunity for job seekers and employers
* Interact with blindness professionals across the nation
Sponsored by:
National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB)
Adelmo Vigil, President
http://www.nbpcb.org www.nbpcb.org