We are looking forward to your participation at the Dare to Be Remarkable
conference which will be held in Baltimore, MD, November 6-8. This email
contains information on details and deadlines.
1. Attached is the agenda at a Glance, which you can use for your
planning purposes.
2. Call for presentations is still open, but closing soon. See the
attached document.
3. Registration is open, and the deadline for the reduced rate is
October 13.
4. Get your hotel reservations made soon. The room block at the Royal
Sonesta hotel is only good until August 29, so you only have a couple of
weeks to get the conference rate.
5. Registration and hotel information follows and is attached.
Online Registration is now open!
Visit this URL:
https://nfb.org/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=119 Register Here
Registration includes all conference materials in alternative formats,
lunches, periodic snack breaks, transportation to and from the hotel, and
special hospitality/training events.
* Pre-registration prior to October 13, 2017 is $400 per person.
* Registration after October 13, 2017 will be $500 per person.
A block of rooms has been reserved for conference participants at the Royal
Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore, located at 550 Light Street, Baltimore, MD,
21202, at a room rate of $169, plus tax, per night. This rate will be
available to those that make their reservation before August 29, 2017.
Participants should make reservations directly with the hotel by calling
410-347-9702 and referencing conference code 1105NFBDBR. A shuttle to and
from the NFB Jernigan Institute will be provided for conference participants
staying at the Royal Sonesta Harbor Court.
Call for Presenters now open!
For information on how to submit your idea for one of the conference
breakout sessions visit the call for presenters section on the registration
page or contact Edward Bell for more information at