Hello all, Joni Martinez and I are working on planning the 2025 Annual Rehab and O&M conference. We are seeking topic proposals and potential topic ideas. Please email to either Joni or myself with the below information if you have any ideas. Joni Martinez's email: martinez.joni@gmail.com mailto:martinez.joni@gmail.com Colin Wong's email : s.colin.wong@gmail.com Proposed topic: Proposed speaker (can be yourself or someone else. Before nominating someone, please confirm with them) Requesting general session or breakout session: Why this is important: We are eager to hear everyone's feedback. Please respond to Joni or myself privately and not to the entire group. Deadline is Febuary 15th. Not all topics shared will be able to make it on to the agenda. Colin Wong MA, NOMC CoConference Coordinator National Blindness Professional Certification Board s.colin.wong@gmail.com mailto:s.colin.wong@gmail.com 480-886-4445