In going through some files today I came across this speech that Dr. Ruby
Ryles did at a conference in Albuquerque in 2002. Amazing how much has
changed and oh how very much has remained the same
Happy reading:
Albuquerque, 2002
Ruby Ryles
In this session we are looking at two models of instruction in the of
teaching Orientation & Mobility: (1) the historically dominant model based
on what Richard Mettler and other authors term the ?vision paradigm? and
utilizes guided learning, and (2) the more recent instructional model based
on the ?cognitive paradigm? that employs structured discovery learning.
The vision paradigm of the traditional model is
characterized by the necessity to operate from a visual model of the world
in order to travel independently. In this paradigm, vision is synonymous
with safety; vision loss is synonymous with danger, and specifically, travel
without sight is thought of as difficult and hazardous. O&M instructors
approximate the visual experience through verbal reports of the instructor?s
own visual observations of the environment. Two clear commitments arise
from this model: (1) that travel students need constant and ongoing
monitoring throughout their training, and (2) that it is necessary to
conduct monitoring visually to insure that the students receive accurate
visual information about the environment. An awareness of the fact that
this model relies strongly on a visual understanding of the environment
answers many questions.
In the cognitive paradigm of the structured discovery model,
the role of the instructor is not to approximate the visual experience and
to constantly monitor during training, but to assist the student in becoming
increasingly able to relate the physical mechanics of cane travel to the
cognitive skills that define independent travel. Richard Mettler sums up a
basic commitment of the discovery learning model for us: travel instruction
doesn?t begin until the student no longer thinks he requires external
monitoring. Up to that point in the discovery learning method, learning has
been guided. But structured discovery learning depends on a Socratic method
of teaching. From this point forward in training, learning is structured so
that the student discovers critical travel concepts rather than having them
presented by an instructor. In the early lessons, the student is placed in
such a secure environment that concerns for safety are actually issues for
counseling rather than genuine safety concerns. At the very heart of the
structured discovery method of teaching travel, is an unwavering belief in
the ability of human beings to travel independently without sight.
Dr. Kenneth Jernigan defined independent travel as, ?
ability to go where you want when you want, without inconvenience to
yourself or others.? In order to instill the kind of confidence that
underlies true independent travel, orientation centers and university O&M
training programs must cast aside the ideology that travel without sight is
inherently dangerous; in other words, we cannot teach fear.
The travel environment is designed for and by sighted people ? fear of
navigating the environment without sight is the key issue instructors should
address before the first travel lesson ever begins. Independent travel
means the blind student takes responsibility for his own safety and does not
feel the need to depend on sight ? neither his own nor someone else?s - for
safety. Independent travel means that the average blind person who has good
training can navigate any pedestrian situation that the average sighted
person can navigate. It means that once training is completed, a blind
person does not need an O&M instructor to ?orient? him to a new campus,
community or job site.
Because structured discovery method is a nonvisual method of learning to
travel, travel students in training wear sleepshades during all lessons.
Why not use residual vision during training? After all, when training is
completed, no one will wear sleepshades to travel, right? People seek O&M
training because using their vision to travel no longer works for them.
They come to us for help because they feel limited in the daily routines of
their lives; they feel unsafe, and unwilling to travel alone in new
environments. Instead of using magnifiers and gadgets that depend on
fluctuating and often failing vision, why not teach non-visual travel? By
simple definition, if you are learning non-visual techniques of travel, you
can?t use your vision!
And here it should be said that a little sleepshade use is worse than none
at all, because what you have really taught is fear. If you decide to teach
nonvisual techniques, you need to commit thoroughly to it. If the
instructor understands the need for nonvisual training, then sleepshade use
is not even an issue to be discussed. In other words, you let students know
that sleepshades are a part of the curriculum and why. And, as I?m sure we
all know by now, informed choice does not mean that students can ?choose?
not to use sleepshades. Sleepshades are a part of the curriculum. They
cannot be used for a few hours or just a few weeks ? because students don?t
have enough time to get over the fear of thinking of the world in nonvisual
terms? the entire curriculum should be taught under sleepshades. If we
agree that blind people need to learn non-visual techniques, I don?t know
how that can be done without using sleepshades.
Instructor Competency: It is truly embarrassing to even state this
principle because it is simply common sense. It is foundational to this
method of teaching travel: the instructor must be a model of nonvisual
travel skills for students. Blind instructors must be excellent cane users
and independent travelers; sighted and partially sighted instructors must be
excellent cane users and independent travelers under sleepshades. That
shouldn?t be hard to understand. In no other field do we endorse teachers
who are unable to personally perform the tasks they are hired to teach. The
teacher who can only do basic math would not be hired by a school district
to teach algebra; none of our own children were taught to read by
individuals who themselves could not read. Blind people deserve no less
from their mobility instructors.
Blind Mobility Instructors: Because structured discovery is a nonvisual
method of learning to travel, blind instructors often have an advantage. A
skilled blind traveler has typically encountered and solved normal travel
situations that sighted instructors often view as travel problems to be
avoided by the blind ? large parking lots, bus, train and subway stations,
airports, wide streets with various turn lanes and islands, street and
sidewalk construction sites, and on and on ? all are a part of daily travel
for skilled blind travelers and sighted pedestrians alike. How totally
effective from an educational standpoint for an instructor to teach by
sharing travel experiences with his students ? anyone in the role of a
teacher does it. It is simply good teaching.
But can a blind instructor really teach and monitor and travel students? A
large percentage of us in this room know the answer to that. Prominent
agencies for the blind in the United States have sought out blind
instructors for decades ? The Nebraska agency has a long distinguished
history that spans years of recruiting qualified blind instructors;
Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Louisiana and more recently Texas are just a few
of the agencies providing excellent travel training to their states? blind
citizens using blind mobility instructors.
But, when you hire a blind mobility instructor, two issues are paramount.
First, the instructor must have outstanding personal travel skills ? meaning
that if he is not totally blind, he must be an excellent traveler under
sleepshades. This is an absolutely fundamental part of structured discovery
learning for sighted and blind instructors alike.
Second, it is absolutely critical that blind and low vision instructors
understand and use the alternative techniques of blind instructors while
teaching and monitoring O&M students. Within the traditional training,
blind instructors who have residual visual are taught to use their sight to
teach and monitor students. Infinite travel situations arise daily in
which a blind instructor?s partial vision is simply dangerous to depend on -
specifically in the early stages of training when their students cannot be
expected to be responsible for their own safety and must depend on the
skills of the blind instructor; which brings me an example of the primary
problem in the university training of blind instructors.
I am very concerned about the implication of a statement made to me by the
head of a university O&M degree program. University O&M programs know they
cannot refuse to accept otherwise qualified blind applicants for O&M
programs. The Louisiana Tech program actively recruits blind and sighted
candidates. About three-quarters of our students are blind ? and yes, all
graduates have multiple job opportunities. This director said to me, ?Ruby,
because of ADA & other civil rights laws, we know we have to take blind
students but, we don?t know what to do with them.? We don?t know what to do
with them - - his concern about the safety of blind mobility instructors was
correct. His university program uses the traditional model of training - a
visual model - and he was being honest - he had no idea how a blind
instructor would safely monitor students. The director was right on. A
blind instructor must know and use the alternative techniques that are
specific to blind instructors, and those skills depend on the blind
instructor?s own personal level of travel skills. We cannot jeopardize the
safety of blind people for politics.
Canes: The Louisiana Tech University O&M program teaches the structured
discovery learning method of O&M and like the orientation centers that use
this method; our students learn to travel using the long rigid fiberglass
cane. We have found this cane is a better fit for the structured discovery
method of learning and teaching for several reasons. (1) It is lighter than
traditional aluminum canes; making constant use of the cane less tiring (2)
This method of learning depends on senses other than vision, so the cane
needs to provide good tactile and auditory feedback from a wide variety of
surfaces. These canes were designed years ago by blind cane users to do just
that. Traditional aluminum canes with nylon tips, and particularly the
folding ones with joints and elastic cord through the shaft of the cane tend
to mask tactile feedback, and they makes the teaching of tactile cues very
difficult and limited.
We find that longer lighter canes with metal tips provide a pronounced
tactile feedback, allowing the user to discern (with practice) far more
subtle differences between tactile surfaces than traditional heavier
aluminum canes will allow. Being able to tell the difference between
concrete and asphalt surfaces gives the student valuable information about
the environment. (3) Because of the design and composition of the tip ?
called a glide tip ? this type of cane provides good auditory feedback to
both users and instructors. The clean click of the cane tip on various hard
surfaces and its ability to glide easily over minor cracks provides not only
valuable information to the traveler, but also greater ease of use. As was
the cane, the tip, too, was designed by blind cane users themselves.
The fiberglass cane is designed for use as a long cane ? measuring from a
person?s chin to nose, depending on the individual. This length allows for
a more natural stride and walking speed because the length of the cane
increases reaction time. The long cane eliminates the need to extend the
arm to use the cane, because the cane itself provides the extension and
allows for a more relaxed position and grip of the cane. Centers and
instructors using discovery learning insist that students use the long rigid
cane and not folding or collapsible canes while they are in training.
It could be said that one drawback of the structured discovery method is
that it takes longer to learn. You remember that Mettler states that,
?travel instruction doesn?t begin until the student no longer thinks he
requires external monitoring?. Before getting to the point where O&M
instruction can begin, students need an entire curriculum of skill training;
much of it is guided by the instructor. Probably 6 ? 9 months with daily 1?
to 2 hour travel lessons will allow for the development of the student?s
ability to solve travel problems set up by the instructor. The instructor
provides observed and independent travel assignments that contain
increasingly difficult travel problems as the student?s ability to handle
these situations increases.
And I need to interject here that an independent travel assignment is meant
to be just that ? independent. The student has reached a point where the
instructor has confidence in the student?s skills and ability to work
through travel problems independently. The instructor does not covertly
follow the student on an independent travel route, lurking behind bushes to
appear and rescue the student from confusing travel problems. Independent
means solo, alone, unmonitored, unaccompanied, by yourself.
There is a great deal of misinformation about structured discovery method of
learning and teaching O&M. One is the concept of teaching multiple
students. Structured discovery learning recognizes the value of teaching
multiple students, but normally 2, and no more than 3 in a class. And it is
the responsibility of the instructor to know the skill levels of his
students because skill levels of students need to be comparable, or it is
not possible. Teaching multiple students is a wonderful way to encourage
the development of problem solving skills among students. Again, students
learning from one another is, and always has been, good basic educational
Structured discovery learning is as much about what we don?t teach as it is
about what we do teach. We don?t teach sighted guide. Not because it isn?t
useful, it is. But we teach nonvisual independent travel, and sighted guide
is neither. I guess that really isn?t true. Roland Allen is Louisiana
Tech?s award winning program instructor. He is certified NOMC and did tell
me he spends about 15 minutes of his total curriculum time teaching students
sighted guide. With or without instruction, blind people use sighted guide
at various times ? we don?t need to spend valuable program time teaching our
O&M students something most all blind people have been using all their
We don?t teach task analysis. You know what that is ? when common
activities, such as finding a chair, or turning around in an elevator are
broken into numerous unnecessary steps. O&M is not a science ? it is common
We also don?t teach via distance education: In most universities today,
professionals can obtain degrees never having even met a blind person until
they are ready to begin teaching. You can learn ABOUT blindness from
textbooks, professional literature, and lectures, but to know blindness you
need to learn with and from blind people. I do not want my O&M students to
be in a position of authority over blind people until they have learned from
blind instructors, spent countless hours with blind acquaintances and blind
professionals, and know quite literally hundreds of blind people. The
Louisiana Tech O&M students spend much of their program time immersed in the
Louisiana Center for the Blind doing those very things. The respect that
the students gain for blind people - both as a class and as individuals -
cannot be taught in a standard academic setting. And the lessons they learn
from the immersion experience changes their attitudes and expectations in a
way that is impossible to achieve in any other way -other than getting to
know blindness by knowing blind people.
If independent travel to you means ?
the ability to go where you want, when
you want, without inconvenience to yourself or others?, then your students
will not need to call on an O&M instructor to show them how to get around a
new campus, new community, or a new job site. Problem solving skills are
not only transferable, but by design, the locus of control is transferred
early from the instructor to the blind student. If this is your definition
of independence, your students will not need to return for more training
when additional vision loss occurs because they already know how to handle
travel problems with no vision.
Independent travel ? those words are probably the most commonly used phrase
in the field of O&M, but it is our definition of independent travel that
determines our expectations for our students. Probably the next most common
phrase is ?but we do that? which is often said by those not trained in the
method and who just don?t get it. But then, the O&M field is very
territorial and there are those who don?t want to get it. Structured
discovery trained instructors are providing agencies and consumers with a
choice. The blindness field has always had choices of types of training in
various centers and agencies across the country. Now there is a choice of
instructor training in the O&M field.
In this amount of time, it is impossible to do even an
adequate job of explaining the structured discovery method of learning and
teaching travel. At the very heart of this method, has to be an unbending,
unshakeable, gut-level resolute belief in the abilities of blind people.
You can?t understand and certainly can?t teach this method without it
because that belief is the very spirit that drives structured discovery and
those of us who use it. The structured discovery method of teaching travel
is like the definition of independent travel ?either you get it or you
don?t. I know a lot of you in this room get it, and I know Ed Kunz gets it.
Thank you for listening.
Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., CRC, NOMC, Director,
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness
Louisiana Tech University
600 Mayfield Ave / 210 Woodard Hall
PO Box 3158
Ruston LA 71272
Office: 318.257.4554 Fax: 318.257.2259